Baranja meals

In addition to enjoying the riches of nature, Baranja also offers travelers the enjoyment of its traditional dishes. You will certainly want to try some of the dishes from the rich "Baranja table". Fish stew, fish prepared in different ways; fried, grilled, breaded, as well as carp in forks, venison in sauce and traditional dish “čobanac” are dishes that will satisfy even the most refined palates.

There is no traveler who has not heard of Baranja fish stew. Likewise, there is no restaurant in Baranja that does not offer this spicy delicacy. There is no specific record of the beginnings of cooking fish stew in Baranja, although there are different theories about the beginnings of its preparation. According to some sources, immigrants from the southern part of Germany started cooking it sometime in the 17th century. The Hungarians who started living in the Baranja region before the German settlers would probably disagree with this statement. In any case, fish stew is a unique combination of influences from different cultures, traditions and experiences, and a product that even today is eaten with the same enthusiasm by "natives" and travelers.

The most famous cured meat product from Baranja, without which you cannot go down a "meza" tray, is Baranja kulen. The centuries-old tradition in the production of Baranja kulen is preserved in the recipes of the old Baranja kulen masters. 1905. The production of Baranja kulen began in the butcher's trade of Geza Barnas in Karanac. Baranja kulen has become a traditional cured meat product that is obtained from the finest parts of pork, ground paprika, pepper and other secret ingredients that are stuffed into a casing or "katica" as it is called in Baranja. Baranski kulen is on the list of Croatian products with a protected name in the European Union.

The unique Baranja dish, carp in forks, is highly recommended. There is special way of cooking fish that provides a higher level of enjoyment that was once available to fishermen from Kopačevo, for which they only needed a branch in the shape of fork, fish, salt, paprika and fire.

After awakening your senses by tasting different local delicacies (and we are sure that you will want to try a few of them from the menu),  join us on one of the excursions offered by the magical Baranja.

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