Ilok traminac-favorite vine of the English royal court

Traminac is a grape variety that is grown all over the world. In Croatia, it is grown in various regions, while the most famous one is from the Ilok area, where it is grown in the most optimal climatic conditions. It got its name from the town of Tramin in South Tyrol, from where it was brought to the Ilok area in 1710 by Prince Odeschalchi.

Ilok traminac is the leading wine among European traminacs, which is supported by the fact that it was served at the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II of England, and even before that it was included among the wines served at the English royal court.

The Iločki traminac grape variety is medium-yielding, has a high degree of maltiness and an optimal content of total acids, which is achieved by an earlier harvest. The wine is golden yellow in color, enologists say that it has a distinctive smell, and the taste is elegant, fresh, harmonious and soft.

It can be dry or semi-dry. It is served with warm appetizers, various pastas, risotto, white meat dishes, fish and light desserts.

We organize tastings of Ilok traminac and other wines from the Ilok vineyard in Ilok cellars and other regional wineries.

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